Saturday, May 10, 2008

Plump and Content Puppies and the Meaning of a "Dog Pile"

The puppies are getting plump and growing quickly. They have become more vigorous in their nursing and are better able to navigate toward their mom when they are hungry. They were born with their eyes and ears closed, so they rely on their sense of smell to find their mother's breasts and other puppies to pile up on. They enjoy lying on top of each other and sprawling out while looking incredibly content. So the term "dog pile" came from puupies cuddling up on top of eachother in one or two big heaps. They seem to enjoy draping themselves over one another. As I am writing this the babes are making sweet "yeep-yeep" and "arrrp-arrp" and nursing "smack-gulp" sounds, while mom is snoring away. She understands that you need to get sleep when you can while you have little ones!

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