Monday, June 29, 2009

Rocket and Whidbey's Great Summer Adventure

Above: Rocket and Whidbey explore the farm on their daily walk

I think technically Rocket and Whidbey are adult dogs now, being one year old in last May. They will always be puppies to me though. When our dog, Lucy, had puppies last year we didn't expect to get 12! We really enjoyed raising them and finding homes for them, which was no small task. They were born in May and all off to their new homes by late July. Rocket and Whidbey were the first two to leave the farm and the ones that visit us the most! Visit our puppy blog for pictures, stories, and more about the puppies.

The pups are visiting the farm for a few weeks while their owners are on vacation. And they sure are enjoying farm life here: checking out new animals~ ponies and cows (our neighbors), swimming in the pond, running through the tall grass, and romping around with their mama Lucy, who also happens to be a good disciplinarian.

These ferns (above) were up to my waist, at least.

Whidbey plays in the water. All the dogs took a dip or two while playing in the field.

Silly Whidbey, above

Field of grass, this wasn't even the tall grass. The canary grass grows, in some areas of the field, up to my head!

The ponies lead the way, Rocket follows

What beautiful scenery and weather!

Above: Rocket and Whidbey LOVE to doggie wrestle. One of them will "tackle" the other and they will roll around or even run into things.

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